St Judes Fertility Clinic

Contacting St Jude’s:

Wolverhampton: 01902 620831;  Email:


Fertility treatment at St Jude's

Infertility affects about one in six couples. If you have been referred to us, it is likely that either you or your doctor suspects that there may be a problem in this area, which we very much hope we can resolve. At this stage it may be of little comfort to you to know that you are not alone; infertility is a common problem. Infertility occurs equally in men and women and can occur readily in those who have previously been fertile.
At St. Jude's, we aim to provide the highest standard of care for each couple and to maximise the probability of achieving a pregnancy. We aim to offer a friendly and caring environment with flexible appointments. The dedicated team of doctors, nurses, scientists and administrative staff are all highly qualified and experienced in the field of infertility.
ellieWe provide a full range of assisted conception services including:
  • IVF, IUI, ICSI, DI & Egg Donation
  • 3D & 4D ultrasound scans
  • Surgical Sperm Retrieval (TESA/PESA)
  • Sperm freezing and storage
  • Surrogacy
  • Antenatal care

There is a wide range of treatment options for those having fertility problems. Acronyms such as IVF, ICSI and DI may seem daunting, but a meeting with a consultant will leave you with a clear idea of what is required and how the required course of treatment will progress.

For the benefit of current and prospective St Jude's patients, information on the most common courses of treatment have been provided below. Bear in mind that the procedures outlined may vary depending on the patient. Should you have any questions, we would encourage you to call 01902 620831 to arrange for a first appointment where a consultant will provide you with more detailed information tailored to specific medical history.

Why choose St. Jude's?

You may be wondering why St. Jude's Women's Hospital is the best choice for women wanting to maintain exceptional health, or for couples who desire to have children. Below are a few of the benefits on offer to patients:

Comprehensive service with doctor continuity

St. Jude's Women's Hospital is one of few centres able to cater for all aspects of women's healthcare. As well as visiting the clinic for fertility treatment, we offer antenatal services to expectant mothers and gynaecological services to women seeking to maintain good health. This range of services ensures you are always dealing with a doctor and nurse who understand your history and your personal preferences.

Reduced waiting times

We guarantee appointments within a week or two of a patient calling us. Appointments at other clinics and NHS hospitals can often mean a wait of several weeks or months. We aim to reduce the uncertainty caused by long waits, allowing you to take positive action.

Flexible appointments

St. Jude's Women's Hospital recognises that its patients are busy individuals. We are therefore flexible enough to allow appointments outside of working hours. In fact, we operate up to approximately 6:30 pm as well as offering appointments on Saturdays (and Sundays as required).

Personal attention

St. Jude's Women's Hospital values each patient as an individual with very real hopes and fears. Rather than slotting people into fixed 30 minute slots, we aim to give every patient as much time as is necessary to feel totally comfortable with treatment. This allows you to get the most from our doctors and nurses who have extensive experience in the physical and psychological aspects of treatment.

Please contact us with any questions you have about the St Jude's or to arrange an appointment.